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Our studio is located in a residential area with limited parking. Please  avoid parking outside any residential property. 50 metres past the studio on the left further up Babylon there is a strip of parking spaces in front of a stone wall. Please make good use of this space, failure to do so will result in refusal of entrance.


Arrive with enough time to set up your spot before the teacher starts class. LATE COMERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, THE STUDIO RECEPTION DOOR IS LOCKED 5 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE START OF THE CLASS. All late arrivals will treated as non-attendance and will be deducted from your account.


Please remove outdoor shoes at the door before stepping off the mat.  


If you're unable to attend please cancel on the Mindbody app, then we know not to expect you.


Mats are provided by the studio free of charge. You must use a Hot Yoga towel over any mat  from the studio. We sell Yoga Bum Hot Yoga towels at the studio, costing £20 (which is cheaper than buying it from Amazon). We like, wherever possible, to encourage students to purchase their own equipment, helping to promote home practice!


Please note that you should not attend hot classes if you are pregnant or have any health conditions.


Under-18’s are to be accompanied by an adult on their first visit. They are thereafter allowed to practice unaccompanied, subject to receipt of written permission from their parent or guardian.


 No phones are permitted in the studio space itself and please ensure your phone is turned off before arriving at the studio. We operate a no phone zone! The studio will not be responsible for any loss or damage of items on the studio premises.






Only pure water allowed in the yoga room.


No shoes, flip-flops, gum, mobiles, bags or any other personal belongings in the yoga room.


Come to class with clean feet and body, use deodorant if you know you’re going to sweat a lot!

Keep the energy in the room by staying for the full duration of the class, only leave in an emergency.  This means going to the toilet prior to class.


Leave your ego downstairs with your shoes and enjoy the class!


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